
E-Marketting & Adverstising

Marketing & Advertisement

Pay Per click

Pay Per click is another form of advertising through internet on various platforms like search engines. Also, known as Cost per click (CPC) , Pay per click campaigns are the best form of publicizing via internet.

Search Engine

Search Engine is that tool which has the capability of driving 70-80% traffic to the website making you known world wide. But is that really so, SEO Experts and specialists have observed that on an average people visiting the search engine and making use of it don’t go beyond 2nd page unless they are really looking for you in particular. So, what exactly is important is “Ranks” i.e. to rank higher in the search engines. Ranking higher in the search engine is an art accomplished only by SEO Professionals when the content in your website is “unique” and “different” and the right strategy has been employed for choosing the keywords and what exactly has the main focus been throughout.

Link Building

Inbound linking: Building of links within the website i.e. inclusions of various links on different pages irrespective of relevancy. These types of links are also, known as Reciprocal links.

Outbound linking: At times, in order to increase the popularity of the website under the circumstances of mutual understanding websites exchange links thus, leading to higher ranks in the search engines. This exchange of links can also be done on the payment basis. This exchange of links with other sites is often known as Outbound linking.

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